I could see a piece of sky from my window. Its 10 am. Its cold and windy outside. There is hardly any SUN. Well it's not because of pollution, but its like that. We hardly get any sunlight during December. I was surfing through the internet and a piece of news caught my attention. It was the climate forum in
I like soy sauce especially when it is used in WOK. I browsed with the help of ''dr google'' about soy sauce. If there is anyone who knows everything other than GOD then its ''dr google'' he he he… So dr google gives me an answer stating that soy sauce is made from soya beans. Well, its so simple. My curiosity would not stop here. I looked again and again. Soy sauce is the main ingredient in Asian cooking and its spreading in the western world too... They use this for literally everything. Why not? I pondered. Its such a good sauce and mixes with every known vegetable and meat like ice in an ice cream. Hmmm….
Well, I just got more curious about this little soya beans. I mean how many people consume it around the world? I looked for it again. Dr google gives me an answer: A huge number hundereds of millions of them. I said WoW! So many. I am not the only one! Just for the sake of curiosity I went to the nearby supermarket to find out if they have soya sauce. They had it! I went to another one. They also had it! And another. They had it! That proves it! Its after all what makes the food eatable and also it flavours very well, so well that we get addicted to it! Ahhh… this human senses. To start again from where I left: So there are hundreds and millions of them who are consuming the soyasauce. But how is it possible to feed these many? Is it because of the diligence efforts made by the supermarkets and companies to procure this item no matter what? But how is it possible to produce so much amount of soyabeans to make so much soysauce? My curiosity took me to another level. I started to look for the countries who produced the most soyabeans. And there you go it was U.S! No wait.. its not! Its
I sit in my cosy sofa: a leather covered quilt stuffed thing, with my laptop in hand, typing this little piece of article which no one will read. I tend to imagine few things. Things about my future, about my childrens future and their childrens future. How will my children live without soy sauce, could they adapt to tomatoes instead? Few happy and shiny people will get together in Copenhagen to decide how the soyabean plants have to be grown so that I still get my portion of soy sauce without affecting the insects, animals, plants, water, CO2, etc which in turn will decide my future and my kids future and their future. Oh! My God. Our forefathers should not have put these happy and shiny people into this mess! It’s a huge burden.
May be we should start thinking about how to grow soyabeans in MARS!