Its been a long wait for me.. to write something... The following piece is from my own experience... i wrote the article in one shot..without any overlook.. Although i need not be so formal out here but i see that as soon as i submit a new post.i get something around 600 hits for the article on the first day itself.. thats somethin' man.. its like releasing a movie and making millions in the first week itself... Anyways.. i have tried a new approach of writing out here.. Its quite new experience to me and also it was fun.. I took care not to make the article Long... Blogs should be quick read types..isn't it?..Lets Start..
Scene 1: (In My room) Sunday 8th July
Its 1:15 just had breakfast...milk with oats, one big peach and choclate... I just derived an equation for the potential of a cylindrical well using cylindrical co-ordinates. The mathematica says its a transdental equation....which means.. there is no solution!!! What the %&$£!! i have to re-check.. this third order PDE is eating my brain...Wish i had concentrated more... during my UG.... Meanwhile..
MIT EE,b Section ... Maths class.. (Don't remember the name of the classroom... Probably one of those NLOOOOOOO1's....)
A Sheshappa rai's lecture.... "whats the answer"... I was wondering where the question is???
Scene 2: (PAM SuperMarket)
i enter with the basket..wear the plastic glove..i see that peach is selling for 1.69 euros, bannana 2euros (for 6), kiwi again 2euros for 4, cherries 6euros for a kilo... i take 200gms of cherries,6 bananas,4 peach (Nice peach could eb useful for breakfast) ,4 oranges..move on to the vegetable section, take tomatoes,onions, potatoes,mushrooms,chillies( there are 2 types...sweet one and the hot one..),a packet of peas, Rice, sphagetti...milk..oats.. thats the ration for 1 week.. and i go to the billing counter.. the lady there scans all the items and says 21 euros...i pay the bill and bring the items to my residence... its very hot..my T-shirt is wet.. i wish i was in a cool place... probably a place were we get to grab a glass of beer or somethin' (Pub!!) ....... Meanwhile...
(Flash back )
MIT Mess....
The place were "______________" ... Can't find the right words... i take chicken breast, palav,rice.. some curry... and finally ice cream.... Our Swami's in lungi's...serving the ice-cream...and our charlie mathegaswamy.. asks for more.. Yeh dil maange more..
Scene 3: (Residence.)
Me in my residence chatting with Nicole... meanwhile.. My mobile rings....
Me :"Hello.."
XXXX :"Hey ..its Toni."
Me :" Hey Hi..How are you man,.."
Toni :" Fine...What about beer?"
Me :" Sure..What about Florian? is he coming?"
So we decided to meet in Irish pub along with Florian... i ask for a Guinness draught.. and they go for a blonde beer..( I think it was HARP and Tennent's)
Incidentally, Football match was being played that day..we took our seats in front of the TV..this Toni was harping about the incident that he experienced in Japan... he said a girl came and kissed him on the lips.. and next day he found sleeping with her... i took a big sip of the beer... Mmmm quite a story..i said... and our Florian who hardly opens his mouth (as if lightning stuck him..)..says few words.. which we listen carefully... He was telling that in germany when it snows... the snow makes up about half a meter..we were curious.. as to how they would make about their daily lives in winter..
Anyways, the football game got over. We set overselves into a disco tech... this time to 'Transylvania'...There are 2 guards standing at the entrance... We go inside and wait at one more entrance..the guy there gives us an entry ticket.. we then take the stairs down (Underground).. A band is playing the cover of Guns and roses... we go to the drinks counter and i take Rum cola...and the bartender gives me the exit pass....all of us take a seat and the table is designed in such way that is looks like a coffin with glass cover and deadbody(skeleton) inside.. they say that there used to be a BOA... there.. quite transylvania types...we sip and sip waiting for something to happen.... the band finishes the show and the Dj takes over pumping heavy metal... ''Now thats more like it'' ... i say and we hit stage...
Its 2:00 in the morning...devastated... we head towards a plaza...(Open place...in front of the church)..from there toni and florian heads back home... i meet Nicole. she, prepares a joint..which she had bought few days ago.. from a pusher...she has this small instrument for making cigarettes... she prepares a beautiful joint... i haven't seen such a beautiful joint..anywhere... even our macha is not so skilled in preparing..what he calls BOB... By the time we finish off... its already 4 in the morning... i'm totaly blown...
Scene 4: (The travel..)
Its 8 in the morning... the train is at 9:30.. I call up ryan... he is still on the way.. Meanwhile we have already reached the station..its 9:15.. The big board says the train stops at platform 2...We are still waiting for ryan.. Its 9:20.. He appears in front of the counter and we rush towards the platform 2... " and we run and we run to catch up with the sun that is sinking..." So there we are in platform 2 at about 9:25 am... its strange.. there is no train... there.. we thought we saw the platform number right... its 9:29.. we ask the TT as to were this platform is.. he said its platform 2........ 'West' what the HECK!! now where is west???..incidentaly we were standing on east platform.. Now who the bloody hell knew there had 4 directions for a single platform.. Anyways... again " and we run and we run to catch up with the sun that is sinking.." its 9:32 we could see the sun sinking...right in front of us... we missed the train to PISA.... after 3 hrs... we were standing in front of 'leaning tower of PISA ' one of the worlds wonder...
Scene 5:(Pablo's Party...)
He had invited me to come at 2:00 in the afternoon... its 6pm.. i leave the lab and walk towards my residence... it takes me 20 min to reach. Pablo's doing his research in physics... specialization in material structure, he could cook very good 'Tortilla' (A kind of Omlette with potatoes and onions), and now he is completing his intership here in bologna and returning to Valencia,Spain. He plays good football, and always wants to keep me covered..( cause he thinks i play better than him)... Now i am standing near him with a drink in my hand called 'Sangria' a typical drink from spain.. its nothing but full of wine with fruits and water... i go around and meet some friends... i caught an eye with a girl there.. she speaks french and little bit of italian..and she was curious with the culture of india..etc etc.. went on and on for about half an hour.. i took her number and asked if she could show me around paris..
Somewhere in france....Its early morning...i come out of my house and i see kids playing in the lawn... she asks me something in french...i said i just had breakfast...
I walk around and meet this guy called Sirius.. he is from Milan.. He was high with sangria.. i could make out from his eyes.. he had been drinking since afternoon.. He is studying economy by the way..he was belting statistics about india..and said that India is already there.. i asked him where??.... he said it has beaten all of europe. and is already there.. i once again asked him clamly..Where??...he said in the next 10 yrs..India will lead the world in all fields..and its already there.. i give him a cup of sangria and ask him where??...he was pointing his finger to the sky... THERE.!!!!
Song recomendation... . i think its your turn to recommend me a song!!..
Yo Gatty man
I am happy to see u have updated ur blog and it is always nice to read ur blog,u have good career in Movies.
I read Octopus it was a well "armed" (pun not intended)blog with usefull and some nostalgic moments.
Enjai stay keep in touch and i am the guy who pays all those guys to click ur blog so pay up.hahaha
Yo! Chandan... Nice to see the comment dude.. Sure will give the piece of pie... ha ha ha .
Gattz man! Live the good life machaa! Enjoy maadi! Send maadi Ferrari pics.
Hey amit, nice to see your comment dude... Yeah sure will send some pics of lamboghini...
keep it coming gattre...great blog...like ur writing style...keep it going for another 40 years and you may win the nobel in literature :))
ha ha ha mukku...you will be the first one to be invited ...
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