It was about 8:00pm. I was hungry, very hungry. I got up from the chair and put on my jacket. There was nobody in the lab.I switched off all the lights... and then locked the door. I put on my shoes and started walking outside towards the cycle. The 'hell raiser' really man it is a 'hell raiser' because the seat fits only my ass. Well you can call it custom made or whatever......mess is not far away but it is not nearby also..we have to cross few 'margs' and then reach. In about 10 min i was there in front of the mess. As usual i parked the cycle and walked towards the mess. There was something fishy in the air....oh i thought today they were serving fish curry..thats why.(PJ PJ..i know).....lot of people were outside in the garden hanging on to their mobile phones...what the heck..??? Anyways i did not care i went inside and washed my hands. Thank god..no Q this time. I picked one plate and 2 cups. 2 spoon of rice, some bheja fry, chicken curry, sambar, 1 chapati..and the final touches with the pickle,curd,kheer and a glass of water. Sumptous isn't it. Yeah you are really taken care of here ...Anyways, After about 10min, i picked up the empty plate and then dropped in the washing container. I washed my hand and was about to leave....well i actually left. I sat on the hercules and slowly pedaled and pedaled. There were unusual amout of people on the road especially girls speaking on their mobiles. On the way i met this fellow who is working on "FINFETS" (don't bother, its another form of transistor.) So the conversation goes like this.......
He:"Tere ko maalum hai kya?"
He:"Abey maalum nahi hai kya?"
Me:"Han malum hai ki to pee ke aagya hai..."
He:" There was a terrorist attack in the auditorium...one person seriously injured and the rest of them injured..."
Me:"Kitna daala? 90 ya 60"
He:"Sacchi me yaar..you see the aaj tak news...this was a flash"
me thinks 'might be saying the truth'. Then his friend comes over (who was incidentaley was on the mobile phone)
His friend:" They used AK47 it seems and 6 of them injured.... there has been an alert and all the gates are sealed."
That's when the chill ran through my spine......
I rushed back to the lab and my friend was sitting in the corner..doing something.
Me:"Do you know..macha?"
He( my another friend):"What?" ( with a casual expression)
Me:"There was an attack by terrorist...in front of auditorium." ( Seriously...i did not know which auditorium.. there are millions of auditorium around here and lot of conferences going on)
He:"What are you talikng?" ( He could not believe.....naturally)
Me:" Just type rediff/ndtv and check man"
He gets a phone call on his mobile.(His relative perhaps....enquiring about his whereabouts)
Then enters our great lad, the dude from 'University of Notre dam' 100 miles from chicago. Has worked on MEMS 3D spiral inductors...
Me:"Do you that there was an att....?"
dude:" Yeah... heard the news. But there is no security at the gates, i came through without the check"
I called home asking them not to worry.
( Then we started of with conversation about how to protect IISc...etc etc)
We did not know exactly how many of them were there(at that point of time) some were saying 3 of them (2 dead and 1 missing). So we thought it would not safe for us to go out and we decided to stay in the lab watching "Lethal Weapon"
Song Recommendation:
Judas Priest: ' Breaking the Law ' Its too good man....
Lyrics is something like this:
There I was completely wasting, out of work and down
All inside it’s so frustrating as I drift from town to town
Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life
Breaking the law, breaking the law 4
So much for the golden future, I can’t even start
I’ve had every promise broken, there’s anger in my heart
You don’t know what it’s like, you don’t have a clue
If you did you’d find yourselves doing the same thing too
Breaking the law, breaking the law 4
You don’t know what it’s like
Breaking the law, breaking the law 4
Oh man! Good to know that all of u r ok.
Haha Abe hero Me: ka blog me likhne ke jagah bolte ja na sahi jawab milega muh pe.Nways, I agree everythin u wrote on He: is right.
Ciao ,
yenchine MaaRe, terrorist mini namma gatti tooThunda mostly IIsc da ooLayi baIdaYe. AtAye :)
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