Well a game is a game is a game, as someone once said (.....probably just me). Anyway, what a wonderful month it was....right from day one, it was just pure fun.....for every match, we used to take sides and rejoice if our team wins, shake our head if it looses and then on to the next match, new sides to take and etc...then the big ones, the quarters, semis and then the final....there we were, me, gatty and the rest of the guys watching the climax of the greatest show on earth....we did expect fireworks and boy, did we get it!...all the wonderful passes, "yaaah" goals, the "ooooh" misses, the pushing and the shoving, the "oscar-winning" injuries and then the finale...not the head-butting dear, but the penalty kicks....and what a nail biting finish!...and of course, then the usual blaming and counter-blaming, blah blah. What mattered at the end was a nation with no footballing team to speak of, enjoys the global game and celebrates the victory/weeps in defeat, as if it was its own. Now, what more could we ask for? Joga Bonito !!
Hey,mukku great to see the article. Nice one...I thought the pic was a link to the video...but anyways, cool article..
Joga Bonito indeed!
Bonito article too.
2007 World Cup coming up! This WC will be much more personal for us Indians. Let us hope that the greatest batsman in the world gets this trophy in his cabinet.
Thanks guys...appreciate the comments...mani, i am sure u would have a blog hidden somewhere..u made us all proud being in the editorial team....come on, spell it out :-)
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